Teach the way the brain learns


Step into Literacy: On Demand Lessons

Step into Literacy is a program that shows you lesson by lesson how to help your child be confident with reading in the comfort of their own home.  In this program, we teach kids to read with accuracy using an evidence-based, Orton Gillingham structured literacy approach.  ✔

Finally reading will make sense!

We turn abstract letters into meaningful patterns so that kids say "Ahh! I get it now"! 

Step into Literacy is a self-paced on-demand course that gives you the complete step by step process of how to systematically teach your child to read, one lesson at a time.

We start with identifying gaps, filling them in and creating a strong foundation. Then we systematically layer each required skill one by one, at your child's own pace, without the rollercoaster of emotions and overwhelm.

Watch your child be surprised at what they can do within the first few lessons!

You get easy-to-use assessment tools, resources, word lists, games and 40+ video tutorials stepping you through the process of learning to read. 

If your child is struggling with reading, I'll guarantee you it is because they have been taught ineffective, outdated strategies that simply don't work for some kids.

If the 'stratiegies' below sound familiar, your child has been being taught in a way that doesn't work for their brain.

 ❌ Memorising whole words or 'sight' words

❌ Using pictures to guess what words say

❌ Using repetitive or predictable text

👉🏽Just reading to your child more won't help, and neither will waiting to see if things click. 

End the frustration, anger and confidence crushing cycle of doing 'more of the same' and expecting different results. 


Instead, jump into Step into Literacy and we'll show you exactly how to get 100% success rate with teaching kids to read, teaching the the way that their brains needs to learn to read, no matter the diagnosis or situation. 


Does this sound familiar...

  • You have an amazing kid but they suffer from anxiety, have low confidence & low self-esteem. Maybe your child is thinking that they are 'dumb'.
  • Your child may have had some school-based or run-of-the-mill tutoring but you've seen minimal progress.
  • You want to help your own child but you are unsure of what you should be doing and how to get started. It seems so overwhelming. 
  • Your child is saying that they don't want to go to school anymore and that worries you.
  • One to one therapy is either too expensive or limited in your area.
  • You know you can help your child with the right approach so that they can be happy and not worry about reading anymore.

It's frustrating not knowing how to help your child 

Your child just doesn't 'get' reading and is frustrated. 

Your child is noticing that they are behind compared to their friends

You might be thinking...

Why can't my child read?

The ability to successfully read comes down to how effectively a child processes language in the brain.

Truth is, some kids will seemingly just 'pick up' reading but 1 in 5 will struggle due to poor phonological processing.

When this happens, the child that struggles will need a different teaching approach. More of the same teaching that is failing them in the first place will not work and will waste time.


Instead, we need to:

✅ Find out exactly what they know and don't know using our easy to follow assessments.

✅ Go back to the start and fill in the foundation gaps.

✅ Learn how the letter to sound codes work in syllables.

✅ Put those syllables together to read with accuracy and confidence.

✅Practice applying this new knowledge with all of the resources & games needed to do so.



from our current Step into Literacy parents

"(My daughter is) so proud of her own achievements. She hasn’t talked anymore about how ‘stupid’ she is or how all her friends are smarter because she’s seeing her own progress and is focused on that."

~ Geraldine, Step into Literacy mum to a 6 year old

"My daughter is a lot more confident.

There are so many chances to feel successful, it's improved her attitude to reading. Self correction has also been lovely to see."

~ Sandra, Step into Literacy mum to a 7 year old

"My son will more readily will attempt to decode words rather than just guessing. He has increased accuracy with vowel sounds which were previously easily confused."

~ Anna, Step into Literacy mum to an 8 year old


As the parent, you can be the catalyst for change 

"Behind every young child who believes in themselves is a parent who believed first."
Mathew L. Jacobson.


Imagine how it would feel to...

Have a logical teaching system to follow so that you know exactly what to teach your child and when.

Have access to step by step videos to use to teach your child the reading rules & use ready-made resources to master the skills.

Have your child give you a big smile after they have read a word because reading suddenly got a lot easier.

Taking action

Take action today and commit to rebuilding your child's reading confidence!

Know that parents have done this before you with success and you can do this too.


Your child deserves to know how to read & you can show them how.

Hot play to listen to the below section!
My Mission

My Mission

I'm a generator by nature.

Maybe you're at the point where you think this is perfect for your child but you're wondering if you can make the investment.

One of the main reasons that I created "Step into Literacy" was in response to parental financial reasons for not seeking help for their children. To me, that was unfair, and I knew that I had to create an option for those parents so that money was not the sole reason that their kids never learned to read properly.

I have always been a problem solver. I know that is what makes me so good at teaching. For those into Human Design, I'm a generator. I see a problem, and I respond with a knowing of what I need to do to generate something that will solve said problem. In this case, it's your child's reading challenges.

I knew that I could solve that problem by creating something that was focused on teaching once to many parents; then they could implement it with their child without my one-to-one expense. I could bring the expense of learning to read right down.

I did also consider cloning myself at one point, as was suggested by one of our beautiful All Kids Can parents, one Kristy for each parent, but after extensive research, I found that to be quite a difficult process, so that went to the cutting room floor. We are in the reality of AI now though, so watch this space, I guess!

Therefore, with cloning not being the answer to the problem, the second-best thing was creating a course that entailed all of my lessons that I usually teach in a one-to-one setting into a series of video lessons for you. I would not only teach you the content but also teach you how to set up the foundations for the lessons and how to support your child through the process of learning the lessons. That way, I could reach more parents without having to physically spend my individual hours with each parent. Voilà! I could reduce the price of what I was offering in the course in comparison to my one-to-one therapy model. Problem solved.

Now, instead of parents paying thousands of dollars for one to one therapy to go through exactly what Step into Literacy offers, I've reduced the cost of teaching your child to an insanely low price that you wouldn't be able to get anywhere else. 

Brilliant, right?

One bonus to this solution was that I could then spend my time supporting the people that were going through these lessons with weekly live check-ins throughout the duration of the 8 week course.

Another bonus for parents was that because they were learning the content, they could also pass the knowledge onto siblings to duplicate the process for the one price.

Which brings me to today.


Learn how to help your child be successful and confident with reading and join us for Step into Literacy.

Your future self (and child) will thank you. 


Step into Literacy

 On Demand Lessons

An 8 module on demand lesson series that teaches your child how to read words with accuracy, while developing their confidence with literacy. 


Go as fast as you can & as slow as you need to according to your child's individual learning pace.


You will see results from the first few lessons.


Here's how it all plays out...

Module One

Getting the foundation strong and getting everything organised!

  • Identifying gaps with easy-to-use assessments
  • Letter to sound cards for solid accuracy
  • Vowel sounds
  • What are syllables
  • How can we use syllables to learn different word types 

Module Two

Starting to learn about some of the more basic syllable types.

  • Motivating your reader
  • Blending Sounds Accurately
  • Correction that Teaches
  • Closed syllables
  • Open syllables
  • Vowel consonant e syllables

Module Three

Here we put some syllables together and start reading some word types. We also look at spelling. This is where the magic happens!

  • Rabbit words
  • Reptile Words
  • Penny Words
  • Tulip words
  • Structured Spelling 
  • Schwa Sound

Module Four

Another syllable type and some new word types to learn to read.

  • Consonant-le syllable
  • Candle words
  • Maple words
  • Camel words

Module Five

Getting deep, we move into r-controlled letter patterns and reading a few new word types.

  • r-controlled vowels
  • r-controlled syllable
  • Hornet words
  • Ostrich words

Module Six

We learn about different syllables that we see sitting on the end of words and learn how to read them in words.

  • -tion
  • -sion
  • Construction words
  • Mansion words

Module Seven

Moving into reading vowel combinations in this module.

  • diphthong/vowel team phonograms
  • diphthong/vowel team syllable
  • bandaid words

Module Eight

A few new words type groups to learn to read as well as learning how to run a post-assessment with your child to celebrate their progress!

  • Compound words
  • Violin words
  • Crazy "i"
  • Post-assessment & continual review 

Also included...


Assessment Resources

Tracking the progress is the fun part! That's why we are giving you the assessment resources that you can use before you teach these lessons and the after you teach - watch the progress grow and celebrate!

Foundation Resources 

The foundations need to be solid so we will take you through step by step how to check and solidify this. Your pre-assessment tool will tell you exactly which foundations that you need to make solid before you begin. 

Word Lists & Games

There are 16 word types and you get all of the word lists for every word type.

We also provides games to practice reading to maintain engagement and keep it fun!

Plus the bonuses...

Bonus #1

Ongoing access to our Members Only Facebook Group Access

Our members only Facebook group connects you with other parents who are doing the same course as you. You also have access to ask questions and feel supported every step of the way.  

Bonus #2

Irregular Word Teaching System

Some words in our English language are not spelt the way that they sound. Think 'said', the 'ai' is making a short /e/ sound. That's irregular! Kids need to know how to spell and read these words because they are so common. I've got these words covered. The complete system to teaching irregular words includes a full list of all of these words, how to teach them, how to systematically keep track of which words your child has learnt and more. It's the full system in a print out pdf book.

Bonus #3

3 monthly live Q & A sessions 

Held in March, April and May, our live Zoom sessions will be informative, keep you on track and help you stay accountable. You will get personalised support.

Questions can be pre-submitted and all sessions will be recorded and accessible in our private Facebook Group.  

Bonus #3

Priority email access support

Trust that when you sign up for Step into Literacy, you are supported all the way. At anytime, if you need assistance with teaching anything or you have a question about your child's reading development, you have priority email access support at the push of a button. 

Sounds amazing, right?


What do past Step into Literacy mums have to say?

 "Kristy Haworth from Step Into Literacy has been a powerful teaching presence for me as a homeschool mum. By offering tuition on English that even teachers in school generally don’t/can’t utilise, I was able to supply my children with leading resources. We feel like we’ve not only learned basic reading/writing skills, but have advanced skills now, stuck has boosted our confidence along with accelerating the kids’ learning journeys." ~ Jo, Step into Literacy mum of a 10 and 13 year old

"Do it! What’s the alternative?

The current schooling system wasn’t working for my child. Continuing doing the same thing and expecting a different result just wasn’t going to happen.

I’m so happy that I took the plunge. I don’t regret a thing.

The most rewarding thing has been seeing my daughter succeed where she was consistently failing. My daughter simply needed a different strategy."

~ Sandra, Step into Literacy mum to a 7 year old 

"Joining this literacy program has been a game-changer for our family. The engaging curriculum and dedication from Kristy has improved our child's reading skills and fostered a new love for our son’s learning. Highly recommend it to any family looking to boost their child's literacy and confidence!!"

~ Tegan, Step into Literacy mum to a 9 year old

"If your child is struggling and after researching like me have realised that if you want them to improve, you are going to have to do the extra work with them. This type of material is what dyslexic children need so to understand how to work out the reading themselves are they are unable to retain sight works. This is not what is taught in schools. It’ll be the best spent money to invest in your child’s education. The material can be used for more than one child."

~ Jo, mum to a 10 year old & 13 year old

"Step into Literacy has been great to give me some of the background into how to approach leaning to read. We didn't get this from the school. I now feel like I can help my son more. It has even given me the language and knowledge to discuss things further with the school."

~ Caren, Step into Literacy mum to a 10 year old

Your 'Step into Literacy' Coach


Hi! I'm Kristy.

I specialise in working with kids who struggling with reading and spelling.  

I have a Bachelor of Education and Postgraduate qualifications in Special Education, specialising in Learning Difficulties. I have several accredited evidence-based qualifications including Orton Gillingham and Multisensory Structured Language (MSL). I am also an accredited dyslexia therapist with the Australian Dyslexic Association (ADA).  

I run a private dyslexia practice to also teach kids one to one. The best part of that is showing parents what they can do at home to support the learning that we do in private practice. I came to realise that parents can do this so effectively at home with my guidance and that is how the idea of Step into Literacy was born. 

Parents get big results. You are with your kids all the time!

I know that as a parent yourself, you might feel overwhelmed with English too. I get it! So, we make it easy to follow, logical and systematic.

Come along for the ride with me and I'll show you the way.

Kristy x


Here's what you get when you join us.

What you'll get:

  • Over 40 videos. Sequenced and organised in a systematic teaching order. You'll learn everything that you need to know in the correct order to help your child read confidently. Easy to follow, easy to teach.
  • Assessment Resources. Tracking the progress is the fun part! That's why we are giving you the assessment resources that you can use before you teach these lessons and the after you teach - watch the progress grow and celebrate!
  • Foundation Resources. The foundations need to be solid so we will take you through step by step how to check and solidify this. Your pre-assessment tool will tell you exactly which foundations that you need to make solid before you begin.
  • Word lists & games for every word type. Printable games and activities to practice reading to maintain engagement and keep it fun!
  • 24 months access and all updates


Bonus #1

Ongoing Access to our members only Facebook Group

  • Our members only Facebook group connects you with other parents who are doing the same course as you. You also have access to ask questions and feel supported every step of the way. 

Bonus # 2 

Functional Literacy Assessment

  • $100 off a one to one online Functional Literacy Assessment. You also get a 2 - 3 page written report with the results, analysis and goals for a remedial pathway to get started.

Bonus #3

3 Monthly Live Q & A Sessions

  • Held in March, April and May, our live Zoom sessions will be informative, keep you on track and help you stay accountable. You will get personalised support. Questions can be pre-submitted and all sessions will be recorded and accessible in our private Facebook Group.   



Choose your pathway...


One Time Payment

AUD $597


3 Easy Payments

3 x AUD $222

One Time Payment

$597 AUD

Best Value

  • 8 Lesson Modules 
  • 40+ Video Tutorials
  • Assessment Resources
  • Foundational Resources
  • Word lists and games
  • Lifetime access & all future updates

PLUS Bonuses 

  • Ongoing access to our Members Only Facebook Group Access

  • How to Teach Irregular Words: The Complete System

  • Priority Email Support


3 Easy Payments

$222 AUD

Easy Option

  • 8 Lesson Modules 
  • 40+ Video Tutorials
  • Assessment Resources
  • Foundational Resources
  • Word lists and games
  • Lifetime access & all future updates

PLUS Bonuses 

  • Ongoing access to our Members Only Facebook Group Access

  • How to Teach Irregular Words: The Complete System

  • Priority Email Support
AUD$222 x 3

You're covered by our guarantee

If you get in and within 30 days follow the steps in Step into Literacy and you don't get results, we'll give you your money back.

I am confident that if you take action, go all in and follow the formula, you'll have massive results!


Frequently Asked Questions
















Want to come to our free parent Masterclass?


'Three Steps to Reading Confidence'


Register for our free parent masterclass on Wednesday 5th of June 2024 at 7:30 PM AEST.